If you're finding your caring role is causing you stress, worry and anxiety, you may be interested in joining our new carer informal workshops available to all Leicestershire carers. Skills like assertiveness, alongside knowledge about your rights to support, can help you to feel more confident and open the door to services you need for yourself and the person you care for.
The courses are usually 6 workshops in total; 4 weeks in-person and 2 online. Workshops move around the County each month and will also deliver the workshops online in September.
The sessions, will provide you with information and advice on topics such as:
carers rights and entitlements
how to access services and support
benefits and carer grants
planning for emergencies
legal matters: lasting power of attorney and wills & trusts
Throughout the course there will be opportunities to learn tips/techniques to look after your mental health and wellbeing and cope better with your caring situation.