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Charles Huddleston

What’s Your Role at The Carers Centre?

I am the company secretary and my role includes:- 

  • making sure that the charity is complying with relevant legislation 
  • keeping a list of Trustees/Directors
  • communicating with members (or shareholders in businesses) over matters to do with Annual General Meetings
  • complying with the law, and reporting to the relevant authorities when necessary
  • making sure the minutes of any relevant meetings are taken

How Did You Get Involved with The Carers Centre?

I’ve been a carer, or around caring, all my life - and I’m still caring. Over the years I’ve realised that I couldn’t just stand to the side and moan about the way carers are treated, and so I got involved as a volunteer with a number of organisations (mostly with an autism focus). Eventually, I found my way to The Carers Centre and when an opportunity to apply for a job there, I jumped at it.

I started out as a Development Worker, got roped into Advocacy work and eventually became Deputy Centre Manager, and Centre Manager. When the time came to look to retire, the Centre restructured to a joint management situation, and I became the Services Manager until my retirement.

I’m now a member of the Board of Trustees, where I hope to continue to support carers in whatever way I can.

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© 2023 The Carers Centre LeicesterShire & Rutland is a Registered Charity  

Charity Number: 1043956       ​ Company Number: 2994093

Registered Office: Voluntary Action Leicester, 9 Newarke Street, Floor 2, Leicester LE1 5SN

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