What’s Your Role at The Carers Centre?
I am a Co-Opted member of the Board of Trustees and I volunteer with the Fundraising Team.
How did you get involved with The Carers Centre?
I was initially involved with The Carers Centre as a paid member of staff. My original role was as County Advocacy and Support Officer, supporting carers across Leicestershire and Rutland. I then transferred to the post of Development Worker, but still retained a small advocacy caseload. A key element of this role was establishing a network of local carers forums across Leicestershire and Rutland.
When the original Centre Manager retired, I applied for the post and became Centre Manager – a role I occupied for around 5 years. I left the post to become a regional manager with the Caring with Confidence programme.
What do you do for The Carers Centre?
Until the AGM in 2020, I was Chair of the Board of Trustees. As I was coming to the end of my second term of office, I decided it was time to step down. However I have agreed to be co-opted on the Board of Trustees.
- Gardening - as well as tending my own garden, I am involved with the Market Harborough in Bloom Group,
- Theatre/Cinema,
- Current Affairs and Reading - particularly biographies/auto biographies.
Other Roles
- Member of Kettering General Hospital Patient Experience Group - The group’s role is to provide assurance that effective systems and structures are in place to hear and respond to the voice/feedback from patients and the public, as well as reviewing the findings of annual staff surveys.
- Trustee with Access Corby - This is a consortium of voluntary sector organisations serving Corby, which acts as an infrastructure organisation. It produces an online Voluntary Sector Directory funded by the local CCG, which local G.Ps use for social prescribing and also enables smaller groups to work together on relevant funding bids.