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Directory of Services Including Respite Care and Short Breaks

This Directory has been designed to help carers with or without technical devices. We have made every effort to check he information is correct at the time and will continue to update this with any changes. The Carers Centre cannot accept any liability for errors or omissions.


We cannot personally recommend any individual services advertised; this is just general information for you to have at hand to contact the organisations or accommodations for more information or to check the website links provided.


We welcome any comment you may have regarding this Directory and how it can be improved which you can do by using the 'Contact Us' button below. Also please use the same button to let us know if any of the buttons do not work. Thank you.


Carers Respite Groups/Services

Replacement Care

Carers Holidays & Accessible Holidays

Advice & Different Organisations

Other Useful Information and Organisations

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