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For over 30 years, we have supported carers who provide vital care to family members or friends. Carers may be caring for an adult, child or young person who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, mental health problem or addiction and who could not cope without their support. Many carers do not identify themselves as a carer but would say that they are "just looking after someone".
We know that carers come from all communities and backgrounds, can be of any age and that the caring role differs greatly depending on circumstances. We understand that carers need different types of help and support as a caring role rarely stays the same, changing as time goes on.
We recognise that caring affects every part of a carers life and can have a detrimental impact on health, wellbeing, finance and future life outcomes. Whilst caring can be a rewarding and valuable experience, this is not always possible for many carers without sufficient support for both them and the people they care for.
We provide a wide range of services and support for carers, working closely with local and national partners to ensure that carers have a dedicated place to turn to for the help and assistance they need.
Unpaid carers play a vital role in our society with the contributions they make to our communities and country as a whole and we believe that this is not yet fully recognised and valued by wider society.
Carer Testimonials

Carer Anon
“I am very grateful for the support and information received from The Carers Centre. All at The Carers Centre have been a source of hope, information and guidance for me and my family”

Carer Anon
"Thank you to The Carers Centre for your invaluable service to our community of Carers."

Carer Anon
“I'm a lot more informed about my rights as a carer, and I will definitely look into lasting power of attorney particularly as my cared-for person ages”